Friday, February 19, 2010

OK, so based on the Inserts in this weekends paper (thanks clippingforacause), we will have some money makers again. Here are the ones that I already know about.

Revlon nail clippers & emory boards $.79
$1 off Revlon beauty tool (exp 3/28) 2/21/10 SS
$.21 mm each

Vicks Nyquil/Dayquil travel size $1.29
$1.50 Vicks product, any 2/21/10 P&G
$.21 mm each

Hopefully I can come up with more.........................


  1. Awesome, awesome blog Jason! I will be your number one fan! I am going to tell others about it right now from mine! Question..why am I seeing two pictures of me under "followers"? I mean, for heaven's sake, 1 is enough!!!!!!

  2. O.K...I am still not seeing the other BandAid Q you told me about from today's paper. The only one I found after searching twice is the one for both those and the Neosporin ($3 off) HELP!

  3. OK, I was confused. It was the Revlon (fingernail Clippers & nail files) not the Band aid. So many deals running thru my head, so little memory....
